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Location: Maple Valley, Washington

Friday, June 10, 2005

Friends reunited...

Carol and Hannah at Alki, originally uploaded by Carebear26.

Yeay! My bestest friend Hannah is back in Washington!!! I got a phone call from her a couple days ago and finally was able to see her today!!! I'm so excited to have her back!!! Hannah and I became great friends a couple years ago - we were both fairly new to Washington and neither of us had much family out here. So we met at a church in Edmonds although we were both living on the southside at that time. And we ended up having lots of adventures together that bonded us quite closely. However, she decided to move back to the Chicago area to be close to her family about a year and a half ago... so needless to say i was rather bummed, but knew she had to go. Well, obviously things worked out good for me because she moved back! Hannah will be the Children's pastor at the church we attend - Renton Christian Center - a smaller Foursquare church in Fairwood. She'll be living close by and i'll actually get to see her more than twice a year again!!! A lot more than twice a year!!! So we can have even more adventures together - the adventures of Hannah Banana and Carebear! I'm sure we'll go and frolic somewhere soon - as that's one of our favorite activities :)

It's also fun that she'll be at the church that we both attended while she lived here and i've been attending since that time. I've been working with the precious kids for the past school year and am excited for them to meet Hannah and her to meet them. Actually Wednesday was our last night of Faith Weaver Friends (for grades K - 3) and we had a carnival type night. The kids went through several realy-style games and then at the end they were each able to throw a pie in the face of one of the adult friends... Hmmm... that was quite a mess! Actually the 'pie' ended up being mostly melted whipped cream so it was like throwing a plate of sweet milk at us! I came home with pie in my hair and all over my clothes and smelling quite milky-sweet... But it was worth it! The kids had a great time. It's sad to say bye to them though - some of the ones who showed the most growth in their understanding of Christ are those who don't attend the church on Sundays. So i may not get to see them again until the fall. I was just glad to be a part of it this year!!!


Blogger Jenni said...

So great to see you have started blogging Carol!! Maybe we can keep up with you and Doug through you :) Haven't gotten a chance to read your entries but I will! We will have to have you guys up again sometime soon, it was so fun seeing you guys. Blessings!

June 11, 2005 12:25 PM  

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